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MIND=BLOWN! Her Art Is As Natural As Sunshine And Vital As Nourishment! | Meet Meeta Singrakhia – An Artist

Meeta sketch artist

“The Ability To Draw Depends On One’s Ability To See The Way An Artist Sees”

In our today’s story, we would like to make you all familiar with very talented, 24 year old, Meeta Singrakhia.

Meeta is a sketch artist. Her Sketches are way much more than Ordinary ones. She is very much fond of sketching and reading. She writes too sometimes and love drawing Sketches while listening to music. Being a Graphical Designer and she loves to do sketching and is mastered in doing so.

“A gorgeous portrait transformed into a digital painting or a beautiful sketch or artistic lowpoly art”- Meeta

Let’s Talk to Meeta and know more about this skill of hers.

In Talks:

1. When did you find such an artist in you?

I loved drawing since childhood. It was my favorite pass time and was always passionate about it. I haven’t taken any professional training for it, I have learned drawing through trials and errors.

2. What actually makes you done with such amazing sketches?

My love and passion for sketching. I do sketching wherever and whenever I get time.

3. Your sketches are way much more than ordinary ones. How observant are you? Are you details Oriented?

Yes I am way too much observant and details oriented too. You can give me a portrait and can see a gorgeous portrait transformed into a digital painting or a beautiful sketch or artistic lowpoly art.

4. Where do you find yourself five years down the line?

I see myself working with Prime focus (dream job). Also, I would want my work to be recognized world-wide and be known as a renowned Artist.

5. What are your long term goals?

To have a studio of my own. I also would love to hold exhibitions of my work.

6. What inspired you to become a sketch artist?

Frankly, I have tried various career options but It’s said “home is where your heart is” and that’s how I realized what I truly love and would want to do. Hence, I started practicing on enhancing my sketches. Also, there was a major motivation when Suyyash Rai recognized my work and that’s when I decided to take my hobby as a profession. Post then I never looked back.

Meeta’s Facebook profile

Meeta’s Instagram Profile