Full HD Video Calls with Stereo Audio | The Lenovo 300 FHD Webcam is powered by a Full HD 1080P 2.1 Megapixel CMOS camera that allows your friends |
Feature | family |
Feature | and colleagues to see you as clear as day |
Feature | even when they are worlds away. With full stereo dual-mics that are perfect for conferencing or long-distance video calls |
Feature | they’ll be able to hear you loud and clear |
Feature | every time. |
High resolution FHD 1080P Webcam with dual mics | The innovative FHD 1080P camera delivers perfect high-resolution video and lets you set the scene with its ultra-wide 95° lens. Video alone is not enough |
Feature | though |
Feature | which is why two built-in mics capture crisp stereo audio from all directions. |
Easy Plug-and-Play Setup | Simply unpack and unfold the camera when you want to do a call |
Feature | and plug the USB 2.0 cable into any Windows or Mac device. Within seconds |
Feature | you will be ready to go live on your favorite conferencing or streaming software |
Feature | with no drivers necessary. |
Supported OS | Windows 7 |
Feature | Windows 8 or Windows 10 |
Feature | Mac OS X 10.14 or Higher |
Feature | Ubuntu 20.04 |
Feature | Chromebook 85.0.4181.3 | Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (MJPG) @ 30 Frame Rate (default) | Focus: Fixed Focus | Field of View: 95° | Rating: 5V 150mA | Clip: Tripod-ready Universal Clip Fits Laptops |
Desktops and other LCD Monitors. Camera FOV | DFOV 95° |
Mount Anywhere & Everywhere | With a 1.8 m cable |
Feature | tripod support |
Feature | and a flexible mounting mechanism |
Feature | you can attach your webcam virtually anywhere. Even difficult angles work |
Feature | thanks to the wide-angle |
Feature | tilt controls |
Feature | and 360° rotation. Just mount it |
Feature | tilt it |
Feature | and open the privacy shutter |