Dell 15R(N5010D-258) 6 Cell Laptop Battery



Dell 15R(N5010D-258) 6 Cell Laptop Battery

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Last Updated on : Oct 30, 2020
(-3% OFF)

Rs. 5798

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Product Info & Care
Dell Original for Inspiron 15R(N5010D-258) Compatibility : N4010-148, N7010 Series, M5030, N3010R, N5010R, N5030, 14R, M5010, 15R N5010D-148, 15R N5010D-168, N5030D, 15R N5010, M501D, N3010D Series, N4010R, M501R, M5030R, N7010R, M501, Dell Inspiron 13R, 17R, N4010D Series, N5030R, M5010D, M5010R, M5030D

Dell 15R(N5010D-258) 6 Cell Laptop BatterySpecifications:

key 90 Days
key Customer needs to carry the product to the nearby Authorized Service Center to get the product repaired or inspected.
key Dell Limited 90 Days Warranty covers Parts and Labor
key It does not include defects due to external causes, accidental or physical damages.

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The latest price of Dell 15R(N5010D-258) 6 Cell Laptop Battery at Flipkart is ₹5798 and was last updated on Oct 30, 2020 7:41:16 AM IST

When you buy Dell 15R(N5010D-258) 6 Cell Laptop Battery from Flipkart via your effective price after Reward will be ₹5798 (*see Reward rates for details).
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