Cipla Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet Plastic Wall Shelf Number of Shelves - 5, White



Cipla Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet Plastic Wall Shelf Number of Shelves - 5, White

Brand :
Cipla Plast
| Sold by :
Last Updated on : Feb 2, 2017
(-11% OFF)

Rs. 1955

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Product Info & Care

The smart addition to any home decor, this Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet 5 - Shelf Rack helps you keep your bathroom essentials neatly organized.

Elegant, Lightweight and Durable

Made using high quality plastic, this lightweight shelf rack ensures lasting durability and ease of use.

Mirror Cabinet with Modiguard or Saint Gobain Mirror

This shelf rack comes with a mirror cabinet featuring a Modiguard or Saint Gobain mirror.

Spacious and Easy to Clean

Featuring 5 shelves and a bar, this cabinet provides maximum space to store all your essentials neatly. In addition, this shelf rack is easy to clean.

Wall Mounted Unit for a Well Organized Bathroom, Kitchen and Office

You can wall mount this versatile rack in your bathroom, kitchen or even office.

Cipla Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet Plastic Wall Shelf Number of Shelves - 5, WhiteSpecifications:

key 13.77 inch
key 21.65 inch
key 5.11 inch
key 3080 g

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The latest price of Cipla Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet Plastic Wall Shelf Number of Shelves - 5, White at Flipkart is ₹1955 and was last updated on Feb 2, 2017 8:42:02 AM IST

When you buy Cipla Plast New Look Multipurpose Bathroom Cabinet Plastic Wall Shelf Number of Shelves - 5, White from Flipkart via your effective price after Reward will be ₹1955 (*see Reward rates for details).
The price is valid in all major cities of India including Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune. Please check the specific e-commerce website for T&Cs and buying terms.
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