Product Info & Care
Panties for Lil Girl’s(Angels): “Chicita” the label was born in the year 1986 and has since been evolving as per the tastes and the trends in the markets, domestically as well as international.The brand under the futuristic vision of Avon Enterprises, has been able to deliver time and again quality and value packs and others. We bring you the reason and efforts “Chicita” has put into the range of inner wear-A panty is an integral protection for every baby girl and teenage girls starting from the ripe and delicate age of 12months onwards.the colors used are as per the age and the skin of the angelsThe prints whether transfer or others are eco friendly and harmless to the skin The elastic bands are of the highest quality to safeguard the skin“Chicita” has year on year brought varied range of panties in solids,prints, designs for all age groups.Type of Fit – Comfort, Ryder, RegularElastic of Fit – Comfort – inner elastic on waist and legRyder – outer elastic on waist and inner elastic on legRegular – outer elastic on waist and leg
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The latest price of Chicita Bonny(S)ComfortAngel(W)1 Girl's Brief Panty at Flipkart is ₹240 and was last updated on Dec 26, 2015 9:33:14 AM IST
When you buy Chicita Bonny(S)ComfortAngel(W)1 Girl's Brief Panty from Flipkart via your effective price after Reward will be ₹240 (*see Reward rates for details).
The price is valid in all major cities of India including Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune. Please check the specific e-commerce website for T&Cs and buying terms.
The latest price of Chicita Bonny(S)ComfortAngel(W)1 Girl's Brief Panty at Flipkart is ₹240 and was last updated on Dec 26, 2015 9:33:14 AM IST
When you buy Chicita Bonny(S)ComfortAngel(W)1 Girl's Brief Panty from Flipkart via your effective price after Reward will be ₹240 (*see Reward rates for details).
The price is valid in all major cities of India including Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune. Please check the specific e-commerce website for T&Cs and buying terms.