Ama WrinkTal Anti Wrinkle Cream 50 ml



Ama WrinkTal Anti Wrinkle Cream 50 ml

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Last Updated on : Apr 11, 2016
(-4% OFF)

Rs. 360

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Product Info & Care
Ama WrinkTal Anti Wrinkle Cream is formulated for making your skin healthier and wrinkle free. Unique combination of WrinkTalTM cream works as a potential changer in skin thickness, increased elasticity, decreased pigmentation and wrinkles. WrinkTalTMimproves the main clinical signs of skin aging and makes it to look smoother and younger. Clinical Study conducted by On Site Services Incorporation OSSINC India gives 100% promising results within 45 Days and 100% safe & patient compliance. Improves firmness of facial skin, Hydration of facial skin, Elasticity of facial skin, Density of facial skin. Ingredients Curcuma longa haldi extract6%, Glycyrrhiza glabra Vasti extract5%, Lens culinaris Masura extract3.5%, Aloe barbadensis Ghritkumari extract3%, Vitis vinifera Draksa extract 1%, Asparagus racemosus Satavari extract2% Directions for Use - Clean your face and neck with LactoClin OTM Cleanser, apply an adequate amount of WrinkTalTM and massage gently with finger tips. Use swift, circular and upward strokes until the cream would completely absorb. For best results, use it twice a day morning & night. Suitable for all skin types, especially for those who have dry skin.

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The latest price of Ama WrinkTal Anti Wrinkle Cream 50 ml at Flipkart is ₹360 and was last updated on Apr 11, 2016 7:10:46 PM IST

When you buy Ama WrinkTal Anti Wrinkle Cream 50 ml from Flipkart via your effective price after Reward will be ₹360 (*see Reward rates for details).
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