
Health Benefits of Kalonji Seeds

health benefits of kalonji seeds

.When you’re in a rush, it’s hard to slow down and smell the flowers. But when you’re looking for a health benefit that will help you live healthier lives, you might want to take some time for yourself, because these 15 impressive health benefits of Kalonji (Nigella seeds) are sure to give you a reason to smile.

Kalonji seeds are known for their ability to kill off bacteria and prevent them from spreading throughout your body. This means that they may help alleviate inflammation, which can lead to many other health problems — like heart disease or even cancer. They may also help prevent diabetes since they contain Phytosterols and fiber that can lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

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If you’re looking for an easy way to lose weight, Kalonji seeds may be your answer — it’s high in fiber and contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. It also helps lower cholesterol levels and reduces blood pressure.

Kalonji seeds are often used as spices in India, where they’re traditionally eaten with curries or added to salads as a condiment. But they can be taken as a supplement as well work as a antioxidant-rich spice!

Kanija seeds benefits

Kalonji’s Nutrient Profile

  • 21% – protein
  • 35% – plant fats and oils
  • 38% – carbohydrate
  • 96% – Magnesium
  • 25% – Vitamin B6
  • 102% – Iron
  • 35% – Vitamin C
  • 2% – Vitamin A


15 Impressive Health Benefits of Kalonji (Nigella Seeds)

#1 Kalonji Seeds are Packed With Antioxidants

The benefits of Kalonji seeds have been used for centuries in India for their medicinal properties. The seeds are packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals and keep your body healthy. Antioxidants help reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer and other diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

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#2 Kalonji Seeds May Lower Cholesterol

According to a study published in Medical Hypotheses, Nigella sativa can lower cholesterol levels by as much as 30%. The study was conducted on rats that were fed standard rat chow containing 0.12% or 0.25% nigella sativa oil for one month of each dieting cycle. The researchers measured the serum cholesterol levels in the rats after treatment with niger seed oil for one month of each dieting cycle and compared them with those measured in the control group that received no treatment at all. Results showed that both doses significantly lowered total cholesterol levels by 26%, LDL cholesterol levels by 30%, triglycerides by 50%, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels by 20%.


#3 Kalonji Seeds Could Have Cancer-Fighting Properties

In addition to its many other health benefits, Nigella sativa seeds may also have cancer-fighting properties. Studies have shown that this plant has the ability to prevent cancer cells from spreading and blocking their growth. This means that it can help prevent cancer by inhibiting the spread of cancerous cells.


#4 Kalonji Seeds Can Help Kill off Bacteria

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, benefits of Kalonji seeds contain compounds that can kill off harmful bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. The researchers also found that these compounds could inhibit the growth of different types of bacteria and help them die off rather than reproduce. This means that they could help treat certain types of infections caused by bacteria such as urinary tract infections or staph infections in the skin or mouth.


#5 Kalonji Seeds May Alleviate Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune system. However, when this occurs too often or lasts for too long, it can lead to many health problems and diseases. Inflammation can cause pain in your joints, muscle aches and headaches. The benefits of Kalonji seeds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce inflammation in your body.


#6 Kalonji Seeds Could Help Protect the Liver

The liver is an essential organ that performs many functions, including digestion. When there’s too much stress on your liver, it can become damaged and even start to fail. Kalonji seeds may be able to protect the liver from damage and even help regenerate damaged liver cells.


#7 Kalonji Seeds Can Aid in Blood Sugar Regulation

Being overweight or obese is some of the most common causes of diabetes. This condition occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or it doesn’t use insulin properly. If you do have diabetes, you may be able to reduce your risk of developing it by eating healthy foods like kalonji seeds regularly.




#8 Kalonji Seeds May Prevent Stomach Ulcers

Kalonji seeds are known to have anti-ulcer properties and may prevent gastric ulcers and other stomach problems. The seeds contain a chemical called N-methyl-d-aspartate, which helps destroy the Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach. This bacteria is responsible for causing stomach ulcers, gastritis, and gastric cancer. In fact, one study showed that people with gastric cancer who took 2 grams of nigella seeds every day for six months had a significant reduction in their risk of developing the disease.


#9 Kalonji Seeds Keeps a Check on Diabetes

Kalonji (Nigella Sativa) seeds have been found to have hypoglycemic properties. It helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics, according to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The study revealed that these seeds helped lower fasting blood sugar levels as well as insulin resistance, which is an important part of treating diabetes mellitus effectively. It also helped improve lipid profile, which affects heart health and helps prevent strokes and coronary artery diseases among others

health benefits of kalonji seeds

#10 Kalonji Seeds are Easy to Add to Your Routine

Kalonji seeds are used in many Indian cuisines. They are added to curry powders or sprinkled over bread and rice. The seeds can also be ground into a powder and mixed with yogurt for a refreshing snack. They’re also commonly used in traditional medicine as an appetite suppressant, helping with weight loss and boosting energy levels.

The most common way of consuming them is through their oil, which is extracted from the seed using heat and pressure. This oil has been shown to contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, which help fight off diseases like cancer and heart disease.


#11 Kalonji Seeds Fight Acne

Kalonji Seeds are a great addition to your skincare routine. Kalonji seeds have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat acne and other skin problems for centuries. They contain antiseptic properties that help prevent acne breakouts, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness and swelling.




#12 Kalonji Seeds Help to Get Rid of Headache

One of the best ways to treat headaches is by consuming Kalonji seeds. It has been found that these seeds have a very high bioavailability and can be used as an effective remedy for different types of headaches. The main ingredient present in these seeds is thymoquinone, which helps to reduce inflammation, relieves pain and reduces swelling in the brain.


#13 Kalonji Seeds Aids Weight Loss

Consuming these seeds regularly can help you lose weight quickly by improving your metabolism and boosting your energy levels so that you can exercise more often without feeling tired or exhausted. The more you exercise, the better your body gets rid of excess fats stored in various parts of your body like hips, thighs, abdomen, etc., which leads to a slimmer figure with less body fat.


#14 Kalonji Seeds Protect Kidney

Kalonji seeds have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. They are a rich source of nutrients and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Kalonji seeds have been used to protect the kidneys from stones and kidney stones.


#15 Kalonji Seeds Makes Teeth Stronger

Kalonji seeds can also help make your teeth stronger by increasing the size of your jawbone. It helps strengthen your gums, which helps prevent tooth decay by keeping them away from decay-causing food particles.


Side Effects of Kalonji Seeds

The side effects of kalonji are known to be toxic and can cause severe skin rashes or allergic reactions in some people. The symptoms of this side effect include hives, swelling, itching of the skin, and difficulty breathing.

It is advisable to avoid consuming kalonji seeds if you have a history of an allergic reaction to them. If you have a family member who has been affected by an allergic reaction to kalonji seeds. Then it is important that they also avoid consuming them in order to prevent further complications.

About the author

Megha Singhi

I'm a travel Bug whose part-time work is trying new cuisines. And I adore writing and expressing my thoughts in words with conceptual thinking

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