
Health Benefits Of Guava Fruit and its Leaves

benefits of Guvava

Guava fruit is an edible fruit that belongs to the genus Psidium. The fruit can be found in markets and supermarkets throughout the world, where it is often sold fresh or as a canned product. The leaves are shiny, dark green, and opposite each other on the stem. They have sharp tips, which give them a prickly feeling on contact with the skin. The leaves are also aromatic, unlike most other plants that produce essential oils from the glands at their bases. Know the Benefits of Guava.

Guava fruit and its leaves are often used in salads, but they are also eaten out of hand. They have a sweet, juicy texture and a mild flavor that is best enjoyed when they are just right. The best way to tell if guava is ripe is to smell it; mature fruit will have a fragrant aroma.

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benefits of guvava

Facts About Guava

Guava fruit benefits contain therapeutic properties and help in numerous medical conditions, for example, diarrhea, blood pressure, etc.  Read below, the Benefits of Guvava. 

Here are a few interesting facts about guava that you really want to know about.

  • Black pigments for textile industry are produced from guava leaves 
  • One of the interesting guava fruit benefits is that it has a rich source of vitamins A, C, and E.
  • There are around 100 to 500 miniature seeds inside the middle of the guava. However, there are some varieties of guava that are actually seedless.
  • The Guava plant lives for just 40 years.
  • Guava produces white flowers.
  • Guava fruit benefits also work as the best weight-loss aid


Nutritional Value of Guava

Below mentioned are some of the top nutritional values of guava. check the Benefits of Guava

  • Calories: 112
  • Sodium: 3.3mg
  • Fat: 1.6g
  • Fibre: 8.9g
  • Sugars: 14.7g
  • Vitamin C: 376mg
  • Carbohydrates: 23.6g
  • Protein: 4.2g
  • Potassium: 688mg
  • Folate: 81mcg
  • Vitamin B5: 9% of the daily recommended intake
  • Vitamin B6: 8% of the daily recommended intake
  • Niacin: 7% of the daily recommended intake
  • Magnesium: 6% of the daily recommended intake
  • Phosphorus: 6% of the daily recommended intake
  • Manganese: 5% of the daily recommended intake


Here are Some of the Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and its Leaves

Guava fruit is a very delicious and nutritious fruit. Guava fruit benefits are many. Here are ten health benefits of guava fruit:

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#1 Antioxidant Properties

The antioxidant benefits of guava make it an effective antioxidant for your body. The antioxidants present in guava help to protect cells from free radicals and thus prevent them from causing damage to your body cells. These antioxidants also help to repair damaged cells and tissues by removing harmful toxins from your body.



#2 Anti-inflammatory Properties


The Health benefits of guava are known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation in the body by reducing pain caused by arthritis or other inflammatory diseases such as asthma, allergies or even heartburn or acid indigestion caused due by excessive consumption of spicy food items or alcohol consumption which can lead to chronic inflammation of the digestive tract.


#3 Boosts Immunity

The immune system benefit of guava plays a vital role in keeping us protected against infections and other diseases that may come our way in life. Still, if you are a weak immune system, then you will encounter more infections than usual, so it’s essential for us to keep our immunity strong so that we can fight off any infection easily without any side effects on our bodies like a cough. Hence, the health benefits of guava also include boosting immunity in the body. 


#4 Vitamin C

Guava fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps in the formation of collagen and elastin in our bodies. Vitamin C also boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies, as well as cell signaling proteins.


#5 Maintains Healthy eyesight

The benefit of guava also contains vitamin A, which helps in strengthening the immune system and maintaining healthy eyesight. Vitamin A also plays a role in promoting bone growth and bone development by enhancing calcium absorption from our intestines into our bodies.


#6 Prevents Anemia

Guava leaves are rich in iron, which helps us maintain good iron levels in our body and prevents iron deficiency anemia (when there is a low level of red blood cells). It also produces hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through our blood vessels to all parts of our body; thus, it has great importance for overall wellness!


#7 Good for Cardiovascular Wellness

Guava leaves contain magnesium, which helps us keep a steady heart rate by regulating the rate at which muscles contract during exercise; thus helping us stay fit! This mineral guava fruit is a delicious fruit that has many benefits. There are many nutritious components and numerous health benefits of guava. Know the Benefits of Guava now. 


#8 Anti-Arthritis Properties

Guava leaves are rich in vitamin C, and this makes them an effective remedy against arthritis pain. They help in reducing swelling and inflammation in joints due to arthritis. You can either make decoctions of these leaves or eat them on a regular basis to get relief from this disease. Know the Benefits of Guava that are good to have. 

Health benefits of Guvava

#9 It’s an Effective Treatment for Haemorrhoids

Guava has been used as an antiseptic for centuries by indigenous people in South America. It is believed that the plant can help treat hemorrhoids because it contains a substance called oligonol-triol that helps reduce inflammation caused by swelling in the colon or rectum. Oligonol-trial is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain associated with hemorrhoids. In addition to helping relieve swelling when used externally or internally, oligonol-triol may also help improve symptoms such as itching or burning during urination.


#10 Anti-Diabetic Properties

In a study published in the journal Food Chemistry, researchers found that guava leaves contain antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of developing diabetes and other conditions associated with obesity and high blood sugar levels. Another study found that guava fruit helps reduce the level of glucose in the blood. This means it can help control sugar levels in diabetics who have high blood sugar levels caused by eating too much sugar or not taking enough insulin as directed by their doctor.  

About the author

Megha Singhi

I'm a travel Bug whose part-time work is trying new cuisines. And I adore writing and expressing my thoughts in words with conceptual thinking

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