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Originality Speaks For Her! “They told I couldn’t, But I did ” | Navya Rapolu, A DubSmasher

navya rapolu

Meet very talented 23 year old Navya Rapolu : 

Another unlimited talent from TKR college of Engineering is on a high with 88.3k followers on instagram. This social celebrity is going places with her dubs and some crazy pictures. She is original and effortless which makes her stand apart. You should definitely follow for her some amazing Dub collaborations.

This Chocolate girl  does some unique Dubsmash videos which evidently shows her interest in the field of cinema. It’s just not boredom that gave her the impetus to shine among these dubsmash stars but a genuine professional edge. Hope she makes it to big numbers this year with her amazing videos that entertain all of the instagramers of the city.

This budding instagram celebrity is too full of talent to be half loved. Her love for his screen idol Mahesh Babu is quite evident when you stalk her on Instagram.



Her Signature pose

When asked about Her Nickname which is quite unique in a way – CUPPY  she told ” CUPPY  is the shortform of Cupcake “. One of her friends gave her that name and the other one (nikki) which changed to cuppy!


In talks with Navya Rapolu :

Ques: Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?

As I believe we all have dreams about our future, so do I ! Whenever someone asks me this question “where do you see yourself in 5 years, I would say “Live for today, Fight  for today, Then tomorrow will take care of itself!” ??

Ques: How you get into Dubbing videos? What are your hobbies apart from this?

I used to watch nandu_ramisetty’s Dubsmashes. And I always wanted to give a try ! And I tried and then I’m here now 😉

Hobbies:  I love to watch movies. Though, Dubsmash is my favourite hobby, hanging out with friends whenever I  get free time ! :p

Ques: Can you please enlist some of your achievements.

I haven’t achieved anything. Best is yet to come :p
But many laughed after watching my very first dub smash. They told that I couldn’t. But I did 🙂

Ques: What inspired you to keep going with dubsmash after your 1st video?

After my first video, I didn’t stop doing dubsmashes, even my friends made fun of me. Later on, when I started doing different kinda dubs. People started following me and Liking my dubs. That gave me strength! 🙂

Ques: How were you in academics as a child?

I used to be extremely lazy. I hated the thought of homework. And my head miss used to scold me all the time. I was an above average student. And overall  GPA was 9.8 ! ?

Ques: Any struggle you faced? How did you overcome?

Yes 😉 When my parents went out,  I had to cook for my cousins  ? that was the biggest struggle I faced ? and finally don’t ask me  ? that was a flop ! ?
And I still remember my first C class! I started writing a C program, Sir was yelling at me to write and execute. My mind voice be like Watching Greek movie without subtitles ! That was also a biggest struggle I faced ! ?

 Navya’s Instagram channel

Navya’s Facebook profile